Cellular Auto Dialer Panel
- Key Features
- Specs
- Warranty
4x AA Batteries (included)
- Capacitive Touch Buttons
- Power/Mute: Hold to power the device on/off (receive notifications when power is turned off). Tap the button to Mute current alarms.
- Test: Tap to send all programmed numbers a message, letting you know your device is working.
Programmable Inputs
- Each input is fully customizable.
- Inputs 1 and 2 are individually wired; inputs 3,4 connect internally using a 3 pin wire, for our sump pump float switch and sewage float.
- A splitter is available if you would like the ability to monitor individually.
Cellular Radio
- CDMA2000 dual band 800/1900 radio.
- Message up to 3 mobile devices. Accepts messages for easy programming / status testing.
- Transmits SMS thru Verizon’s robust cellular network.
Audible Alarm
- Used as a backup to cellular notifications, it’s loud in close proximity, but can’t carry through multiple floors or thick walls.
- 2.9 kHz +/- 500 Hz, 100 dBA with wall power.
- 75 dBA (estimated) on backup batteries.
- dBa varies by distance from unit and number of obstructions.